Vet your vendors

Carefully vet your vendors! One of your main selling propositions is your resource database. You should be recommending vendors that you have vetted and that you know will get the deal to the finish line with as little stress as possible. Part of the reason top producers are so successful is because they carefully choose which vendors get to touch their deals. The lender should at the minimum be sending a weekly update to you and calling you if they come across a problem. Title co should be proactive in gathering info and getting things scheduled. Bad title co can make your life harder not easier. Side note - if they are trying to gather socials via email that’s a red flag. Wire fraud is on the rise and they of all parties should know that and be taking steps to protect the buyers/sellers. Home inspectors should be thorough but use non-alarming language. An awesome home inspector will also reach out to the listing agent themselves to coordinate access and should be emailing all parties confirmations. A carefully selected team can make a huge difference in how the transaction progresses and can be the difference between closing and not closing. 

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Ask your broker


Use a bookkeeper